Welcome to A Cynic's Reading. Your quickstop guide to fast reviews. Of course, with all reviews these are a matter of opinion, and if yours differs, and even if it doesn't, drop me a comment. I'd love to get a group discussion going on in here. Or just fire my any questions you may have.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Status Report

Hey everyone, first off I wanted to say hello to the new followers. Thanks for coming by and leaving your comments, I have read them all and always appreciate it. I know it's been awhile since I've updated, but I wanted to reassure everyone I'm still here. Life has been busy, but I'm still finding time to read. It just so happens that the few books I'm reading right now are all quite a bore and I haven't been able to finish anything for several weeks. They might even be getting shelved soon unfinished if something good catches my eye soon. Any suggestions for what I should read or what you'd like me to review?


Anonymous said...

Hey how about telling us what the boring books that you are reading and "can't finish" -- save me from having to buy them! :)

AmberInGlass said...

Brom's The Child Thief and George R.R. Martins Clash of Kings. I never even mentioned I was reading that one, because I've been trying to get through it for over a year. I'll add it up to the list at some point.

Uninvoked said...

I just started a really juicy online fiction I can't put down, retelling the Cinderella tale. I lost the link awhile ago, and can't stop thinking about it even though I'm only on chapter 6. Which is weird, considering how many novels I've bought and discarded unread this year. Best Seller list = Deceptive.

AmberInGlass said...

Yeah, it totally does. Sometimes I really have to wonder how and why certain things become best sellers. I'll have to search that Cinderella tale now you have me curious. Thanks. :D

Uninvoked said...

Found it!

I dare you to read the intro and not get hooked.

AmberInGlass said...

Thanks, I'm gonna jump on it now and I'll let you know. ;-P

Nishant said...

I'll add it up to the list at some point.

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